Workforce Profile - Urban vs. Rural

After taking office, Gov. Spencer J. Cox signed Executive Order 2021-4: Moving Jobs to Rural Utah to prioritize and encourage rural hiring. Along with other state agencies, the Department of Workforce Services  has worked diligently to increase the number of job opportunities in rural Utah. Combined, these agencies have had an increase in rural employees of 590 people and a decrease in urban employees of 258.

These efforts are having a positive impact on Utahns living in rural areas. Instead of having to commute long distances for work, people can live and work in their own communities. Workforce Services is one of several agencies that now have more than 30% of staff in rural Utah:  

  • Department of Agriculture and Food - 61%
  • Department of Natural Resources - 57%
  • Department of Transportation - 43%
  • Department of Corrections - 36%
  • Department of Workforce Services - 34%
  • Department of Public Safety - 30%