Five- and 10-Year Plan Progress

Since its release in 2015, Utah’s Plan for a Stronger Future has been utilized by the Commission to revise internal agency policies and procedures, leading to increased alignment and coordination across state agencies serving the same families experiencing intergenerational poverty. Additionally, it has guided policy changes, including effective targeting of limited state resources to policies and programs leading to improved outcomes for children experiencing intergenerational poverty.

report icon  Five- and 10-Year Plan

fact icon  Intergenerational Poverty Fact Sheet

Summary of Recommendations

Through a data-driven process, the Commission created this comprehensive list of research-based recommendations in each of the four areas of child well-being: early childhood development, education, health, and family economic stability. The recommendations are designed to allow state and local government, business, faith-based organizations and nonprofits to have the opportunity to implement and make progress in each focus area. 

data icon  Summary of Recommendations

Baseline Data

The Five- and 10-Year Plan includes goals in each area of child well-being, as well as indicators, to track progress in early childhood development, education, family economic stability and health.

Early Childhood Development


Family Economic Stability
