Press Release
March 19, 2021

Utah's Employment Summary: February 2021

SALT LAKE CITY (March 19, 2021) — Utah’s nonfarm payroll employment for February 2021 is estimated with virtually no change across the past 12 months, with 300 fewer jobs since February 2020. Utah’s current employment level stands at 1,566,900. Utah’s January year-over job change has been revised up to -0.3%.

February’s seasonally-adjusted unemployment rate is estimated at 3.0%, with approximately 48,774 Utahns unemployed. Utah’s January unemployment rate is unchanged at 3.1%. The February national unemployment rate lowered to 6.2%.

“Utah’s deliberate and steady pace toward job recovery continues,” reported Mark Knold, Chief Economist at the Department of Workforce Services. “February finds Utah’s employment count at equality with a year ago. Idaho is the only other state that can make such a claim. All other states are still struggling to get their economies pointed in the right direction. Utah’s private sector is leading its job rebound. Employment gains would be further along if not for COVID-19’s restraining effects upon the education sector.”

Utah’s February private sector employment recorded a year-over expansion of 0.7%. Five of Utah’s 10 private-sector major industry groups posted net year-over job gains, led by Trade, Transportation and Utilities (10,900 jobs); Professional and Business Services (8,500 jobs); and Construction (5,000 jobs). Five industry groups remain with year-over employment declines, most notably Leisure and Hospitality Services (-13,200 jobs); Education and Healthcare (-6,100 jobs); and Information (-1,400 jobs).

* Additional analysis and tables at

* County unemployment rates for February will be posted on or shortly after March 29, 2021, at

* March employment information will be released at 7:00 a.m. on Friday, April 16, 2021.

Statistics generated by the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, Washington, D.C., modeled from monthly employer (employment) and household (unemployment) surveys.
